Episode 1 | Stand by Me

Looks at how A&E is a place where mums and girlfriends show their natural instinct to protect their men.

Episode 2 | Young at Heart

King's is a specialist stroke centre treating over 1, 300 stroke patients each year and this episode features the work of the stroke team over a 24-hour period in the Emergency Department.

Episode 3 | Going the Distance

74-year-old Brian is brought into King's by ambulance after falling backwards down a flight of stairs and being knocked unconscious. Brian has severe dementia and lives in sheltered accommodation, but he was staying at his partner...

Episode 4 | Resilience

86-year-old Ellen has been brought in by ambulance after her daughters, Carole and Janet, found her collapsed on the floor at home.As she was on the floor for a long time, Ellen's body temperature has dropped dangerously low to ju...

Episode 5 | Throw of the Dice

Shows how A&E is a place where wisdom and insight are passed not just from medic to medic, but also from generation to generation.

Episode 6 | Family Matters

It's a busy Mothering Sunday at King's.23-year-old builder Jamie is rushed to King's by paramedics having fallen from the roof of a three-storey building, landing on a brick wall.

Episode 7 | Boys Don't Cry

16-year-old Max is brought toKing's by air ambulance from after falling 14 feet onto his face at a skate park. He suffered a serious head injury and was motionless for about thirty seconds after the accident. As Max's parents, Ste...