Episode 1 | Every Cloud...

Maria, who's 52 and has MS, comes to St George's with suspected sepsis. Six-year-old Grace has tissue stuck in her ear. Eve, who's 83, has fallen down the stairs.

Episode 2 | Born To Be Wild

This edition of the show explores the chances that people take in life and whether a gamble ever pays off. Megan, who's 20, has been in a high-speed car crash. James, who's 78, has suspected internal bleeding.

Episode 3 | The Underdogs

The hospital has busiest A&E departments in Britain, which is under more pressure than ever.

Episode 4 | Liberation Day

Tim came off his bike and has suspected spinal injuries. Jeanette is struggling to breathe.

Episode 5 | The Good Fight

Hussnain is rushed to A&E after being caught up in an accident involving a police car chasing another vehicle.

Episode 6 | Child at Heart

Stephen has shown signs of a stroke. A van ran over Billy's chest when he was in a motorcycle accident.

Episode 7 | Live for Today

Aiden has hurt his feet on monkey bars at school. Mark has come off his bike. Doctors are concerned that he may have life-changing damage to his spine.

Episode 8 | Safe Haven

Judy is airlifted to St George's after being trampled by cows while she was walking her dog.

Episode 9 | My Other Half

Three-year-old Clara has a chickpea stuck up her nose. Danny has fallen 20 feet through a skylight.

Episode 10 | Someone to Come Home To

Richard has fallen off a ladder while he was fixing his roof. Doreen has a serious infection.

Episode 11 | A Stubborn Kind of Fellow

Sydney has severe chest pains. Alan has fallen and fractured his elbow. John has been in a cycling accident.

Episode 12 | Heart of the Home

Mother of six Lillian has extremely low blood pressure. Doctors treat her for sepsis.

Episode 13 | In the Line of Duty

Psychiatric nurse Christie has severe burns after being attacked by a patient. Joe's cousin accidentally stabbed him in thigh.

Episode 14 | Heavens Above

Eddie has been weakened by chemotherapy and has severe sepsis. Ex-paratrooper Martin has sustained life-changing injuries in a paraglider crash.

Episode 15 | Moving on Up

Zac has dislocated and fractured his ankle playing football. Doctors work swiftly to restore the blood flow to his foot. Ian has fallen off a lorry tailgate. Jayden has a swollen eye.

Episode 16 | A Friend in Need

Glyn's brought in after his leg's run over by a three tonne digger. John, who has severe sepsis, is admitted after a fall at home.

Episode 17 | Down to Earth

Bridget broke her wrist on a mountain path in Greece. Derek has had a suspected stroke. Stephen has severely damaged his ankle after coming off his bike deep in the woods.

Episode 18 | Love's Young Dream

Michael's brought in with chest problems after collapsing on a golf course. Neil's rushed in with lung injuries after coming off his bike. And George grazes his eye on a branch.