Episode 1 | Tales of the Unexpected

At Nottingham's Queens's Medical Centre, young Hunter needs help after falling from a tree. And 45-year-old Kirsty has had an accident at a fun run. John's final moments in intensive care with his wife after 70 years by his side.

Episode 2 | Husbands and Wives

74-year-old Mick is rushed in with suspected sepsis and his wife shares her experience.

Episode 3 | Keep the Faith

An 18 year-old is rushed in after suffering a cardiac arrest during a football game and 30 year-old Tom has a severe ankle injury after a head-on traffic collision.

Episode 4 | The Unforeseen

Twenty year-old Peta is rushed into Queen's Medical Centre after coming off her motorbike.

Episode 5 | Teenage Dreams

Hospital staff at Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham treat three female university students who have been victims of a spate of needle-spiking attacks.

Episode 6 | People Like Us

A 21-year-old has crashed his motorbike into a telegraph pole and has serious leg and lung injuries.

Episode 7 | I'll Be There

Sara, 46, is rushed in after a car crash with serious head and chest injuries, and 54 year-old Simon comes in after falling off his bike on his way to buy a helmet.