Episode 1 | From This Day Forward

On royal wedding day, the patients at St George's - including David, who's fallen from a ladder, and John, who's fallen down the stairs - and their relatives reflect on love, devotion and commitment

Episode 2 | Leap of Faith

Emergency consultant Ahmed rushes to save the life of a woman with an abdominal aortic aneurysm, while ensuring that the other patients in busy resus also get the attention they need.

Episode 3 | Roll with the Punches

40-year-old Tania is in resus after being knocked down by a car. 77-year-old Edwin is rushed into A&E bleeding from a tumour, and footballer Lilli has damaged her eye socket.

Episode 4 | The Extra Mile

Xintong has been thrown from a go-kart at speed, doctors worry that she may have damaged her spine. Gary has an enormous swelling in his finger after trapping it between shopping trolleys.

Episode 5 | Mother's Little Helper

Benoit, who is nine, has abdominal pains. Doctors are concerned that it may be appendicitis. Michelle has suspected sepsis. Schoolgirl Charley-Ann has got part of an earring stuck in her ear.

Episode 6 | I'll Stand by You

Jeremy is airlifted to hospital after a collision while riding his bike, Allen has fallen down a flight of stairs, and student James has cut his arm in a skateboarding accident

Episode 7 | Too Close for Comfort

Brooke, who's 12, has gone into respiratory arrest after having a severe asthma attack. Howard has burns from trying to put out an explosion in his shed. Meanwhile cyclist Colin has fractured his collarbone.

Episode 8 | The Outsiders

This special meets the St George's specialist stroke team. Meanwhile, Steven has severe stomach cramps, and 16-year-old Aaliyah's fingernail has been badly damaged in a fight.

Episode 9 | You Before Me

Junior, who's eight, has been hit by a car and has an open leg fracture and suspected internal bleeding. Anthony has suffered chest pain at the races and has a dangerously high heart rate.

Episode 10 | The Kids Are Alright

Cyclist Ollie, who's 16, has been in a traffic accident. Dominic's throat has been bleeding badly after he had his tonsils out. Narayan's six. He has paper stuck deep in his ear.

Episode 11 | Fix You

Greg has been knocked off his motorbike and has critical injuries to his arm and leg. Cara, who's 11, has fallen from a human pyramid doing gymnastics and has a badly broken arm.

Episode 12 | You're All I Need to Get By

Paul, who's 66, is brought to A&E with a dangerously high heart rate; Nicky has a swelling in her throat; and seven-year-old Kit has injured his chest in a golf buggy

Episode 13 | The Survivors

After a collision with a tree, Ranjan, who's 64, is transferred to St George's. Callum, who's 20, has mysteriously collapsed, and four-year-old Scarlett has hurt her leg.

Episode 14 | Call of Duty

Jahan has severe chest pains, which doctors think could be a heart attack. His daughter reveals how he fought in the Iranian Revolution and the effect that it had on his life.

Episode 15 | Children of Men

Benoit, who's nine, has abdominal pains. Doctors are concerned that it may be appendicitis. Michelle has suspected sepsis. Charley-Ann has part of an earring stuck in her ear.

Episode 16 | Saving Grace

Leslie is rushed to A&E after suffering a stroke; Hannah has pain in her spine after falling from her horse; and Isabella, who's six, hurt her neck falling from monkey bars