Episode 1 | Phyllis/Janet

Every room in Phyllis' house is packed with dolls. Her obsession has manifested itself into a floor to ceiling collection of bags stuffed with dolls, and a doll hospital in a spare bedroom where she "amputates" the limbs of one do...

Episode 2 | Billy Bob/Jean

Billy Bob's house is so filled with toys and games, puzzles, cars, dolls and stuffed animals that he can no longer maneuver through the paths. The hoard has strained relationships with his children and his wife. In declining healt...

Episode 3 | Season #2 Follow-Up: Augustine, Judi, Dennis/Nadene, Bob & Deborah

In this special Hoarders follow-up episode we check in on the progress of Augustine, Deborah, Dennis and Nadene, Bob and Judi from Season Two.

Episode 4 | Roy/Loretta

Roy is facing $20 million in fines from the county for hoarding hundreds of vehicles on his property. Loretta and her husband were robbed at gunpoint and later had their home looted by thieves. They started over in a different nei...

Episode 5 | Randy/Vicki

Randy's boardwalk memorabilia collection fills a 20,000 sqare foot building and numerous tractor trailers. He's spent millions on his fantasy world known as Randyland--but it's never been open to the public. Vicki's hoarding is br...

Episode 6 | Ron/Carol

Ron's home is filled from top to bottom with paper--books, thousands of pages of sheet music, old newspapers, magazines and assorted trash.Ron must clean his home now or quite possibly die in it. Vivian's husband used to commute b...

Episode 7 | Beverly/Megan

Beverly has been obsessively recording thousands and thousands of hours of audio and video for decades. Her home is filled with TV's and recorders, her yard piled high with boxes of tapes and her walls hidden behind floor to ceili...

Episode 8 | Becky/Clare

Becky's hoard fills 16 separate storage units and the monthly fees have driven her into debt. Currently living with her son and his fiancé, she has also started to hoard in their house. Fed up, they have given her until the end of...

Episode 9 | Stacey/Roi

Stacey has two days to get rid of the 47 dogs and cats that have taken over her house. They have ripped everything to shreds and forced her 14-year-old daughter to move into her brother's home. Roi has already been in jail twice d...

Episode 10 | Lisa/Bertha

Lisa is an active chef, a member of various cooking groups, an expert on historical cooking gadgets--and a compulsive food hoarder. Even though she lives in an affluent DC neighborhood in a million-dollar home, her kitchen mirrors...

Episode 11 | Season #3 Follow-Up: Vula, Al, Jim, Arline & Glen

This one hour special updates viewers on what has happened to 5 of our hoarders 1 year after they received crisis assistance from the Hoarders Team. The stories include: Vula who was about to lose her cat hoard and her hoarded hom...

Episode 12 | Kevin/Mary

Kevin is the youngest son of renowned political strategist and a silver screen star--both of whom have stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He grew up in a huge mansion living a charmed life. But now Kevin has hoarded himself out ...

Episode 13 | John/Vivian

John is a retired corrections officer living in a house with more than 30 cats hiding in the walls and ceilings. They run wild through most of the home and all surfaces are covered with cat feces and urine.

Episode 14 | Judy/Jerry

Judy hoarded herself out of her house and used cancer surgery as an excuse to stay with her friend Linda. A few weeks turned into a ten months nightmare of Judy hoarding and squatting in Linda's home. Now Linda and her family are ...

Episode 15 | Eileen/Judy

Ronald is a fire-fighter who is legally mandated to report hoarded homes. In this case the hoarder is his wife, Eileen, and the house is his own. Eileen has destroyed not only her 3,200 sq. ft. home, but her relationships with her...

Episode 16 | Wilma/Nora

Wilma's hoard has done so much damage to her home that the city has deemed the structure uninhabitable. Regardless, she is illegally squatting there and if she doesn't clean up, her property will be condemned. She takes no respons...

Episode 17 | Mike/Bonnie

Mike's house is so toxic that a virus she contracted in the home caused her kidneys to fail and almost killed her. Her doctor advised her not to return to the home until it was thoroughly cleaned. Bonnie is a 46-year-old single mo...