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Season 1
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Season 4
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Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 16
Episode 1 | Adella/Teri
Just weeks before he died, Adella's estranged husband asked their daughter to help her mother clean up one last time. Adella's hoarding has already cost her a previous house, her marriage and relationships with her children.
Episode 2 | Gordon & Gaye/Sir Patrick
Gordon and Gaye, along with their two grown children, have been given 72 hours to vacate their house. City Code Enforcement has served them with a condemnation notice if they don't clean up a lifetime of hoarding.
Episode 3 | Carolyn/Jo
Carolyn's seven-year-old daughter is so distraught about her mother's hoarding that she has been leaving notes around the house saying, "It would be better off if I were killed.
Episode 4 | Robin/Ken
The stench emanating from Robin's home can be smelled from the street. The garbage inside is piled from floor to ceiling and the house is literally caving in around it.
Episode 5 | Laura/Penny
She has terminal cancer and is in fragile health, but sleeping or resting is nearly impossible for Laura. The only open spot she can lay her head on is two-thirds of the living room couch. A couch surrounded by plastic bins, toys,...
Episode 6 | Vula/Lisa
Vula is hoarding more than 30 sickly cats that have completely destroyed her home. They have used every square inch of the house as a litter box, including the kitchen, which is filled with piles of hoarded food. Animal Control an...
Episode 7 | Kathleen/Margree
Kathleen's hoard is so bad that her son gave up his college scholarship for fear of leaving his 16-year-old sister home alone with their mother. The kitchen doesn't function and the hoard is being used to support sagging doorways ...
Episode 8 | Dawn/Linda
After losing a cousin on 9/11, Dawn's hoarding spiraled out of control, filling much of the house and part of the yard. The city will impose fines of $1000/day if she doesn't clean up.
Episode 9 | Tami/George
Tami is battling cancer and her last hope for survival is a bone marrow transplant. But the condition of her home is getting in the way of her treatment.
Episode 10 | Mary Lynn/Ingrid
Mary Lynn's 14 year-old-son Jacob would rather be in foster care than live with his own mother in her hoarded house. He recently fabricated a story about his mother beating him as a means of getting Child Protective Services invol...
Episode 11 | Theresa/Karen
Not even losing several inches of her intestine to gangrene has stopped Theresa from hoarding and eating expired food. She has also spent the bulk of her husband's retirement funds on thousands of luxury handbags and shoes.
Episode 12 | Al/Julie
Al used to take his three-year-old son dumpster diving, but Child Protective Services recently removed the child from his home. Al's hoarding has become such an eye-sore that he's also facing $2,500 a day in fines by the county. J...
Episode 13 | Lloyd/Carol
Lloyd is facing fines and homelessness unless he cleans up his property. Carol's husband refuses to live at home unless Carol starts throwing stuff out.
Episode 14 | Arline/Carolyn
Arline's hoard has reached such immense proportions that her six-foot-three husband Richard has been sleeping in his car each night in the oppressive heat of a Hawaii summer. He is trying to recover from heart and prostate surgery...
Episode 15 | Jim/Susan
On August 6th, the Police, the Fire Department, C.P.S. and Code Enforcement all descended upon Jim's house and told his family it was uninhabitable. Because of decades of hoarding, he is estranged from his siblings and his childre...
Episode 16 | Andrew/Shania
Andrew's home is an eyesore in a neighborhood of million dollar homes. The exterior and interior are completely hoarded, there's no running water, and Andrew has allowed a homeless man to create a makeshift shelter in his front ya...
Episode 17 | Andrew/Lydia
19-year-old Andrew's mother is a hoarder, and after living in the hoard his entire life, he has learned no other way to live. Stuck in a hoarded house, with no job, no motivation and no direction, Andrew says he needs to get his h...
Episode 18 | Mary/Mary Ann
Mary has blown through over $200,000 of an inheritance buying items for the consignment shop she owns. But many of the items never make it from her hoarded home into her cluttered store. Her family says she will go broke by Januar...
Episode 19 | Hanna/Kathy & Gary
Hannah has hoarded herself and her 200 chickens out of her house and is now living with the chickens in a windowless, unheated trailer. As winter sets in, she and her chickens face freezing to death if their original home is not c...
Episode 20 | Glen/Lisa
A collection of 2500 free-roaming rats have hoarded Glen out of his home and into a shed on his property. Originally bred as pets, the rat collection spun out of control upon the death of his wife. Now Glen needs help removing the...