Episode 1 | Tim

Tim, a car enthusiast, hoards vehicles and parts to cope with abandonment issues. After a house fire, his hoarding escalates, filling their new home. His wife, threatens divorce unless he cleans up the mess.

Episode 2 | Montie and Sherry

Montie and Sherry face intervention from adult protection services due to hoarding. Their daughter Audora discovers disturbing living conditions and seeks professional help.

Episode 3 | Terri

Terri, a retired EMI and EMT, copes with trauma by compulsively collecting antiques and clutter, filling her small home until it becomes unlivable.

Episode 4 | Bruce and Cathy

Bruce is very thoughtful and always keeps things with the idea that he'll give it to someone he knows because they could use that item. Good intentions have led Bruce to collect a massive amount of tools and clutter over the years.

Episode 5 | Mary Lynn

Mary's 30-year hoarding has made her home unsafe before her knee surgeries. The "Hoarders" team helps her clear the property to ensure a safe recovery environment.

Episode 6 | Angel

Angel's compulsive shopping and reduced income have filled her home with clutter. A water leak threatens her belongings, risking mold growth. With experts Dr. Tolin and Brandon Bronaugh, she must clean up or face losing her home.

Episode 7 | Linda

Linda's privileged upbringing contrasts with her current hoarding lifestyle at 70. Facing loss of her home, she must overcome her disorder to reclaim her house for her son's family.

Episode 8 | Christine

Christine is an intelligent, articulate, mother of two teenage girls. Both of her daughters are autistic and function best in a controlled, calm environment - but Christine can't let go of anything. She is drowning in items from h...

Episode 9 | Susan

Susan is a single mother with six children. She's been a mom since she was 16, and it's what she likes to do best. But it's taking a toll on her house--and her mental health. She spends her days in bed, avoiding the mountains of d...