Episode 1 | Augustine

14 years ago Jason was removed from his mother Augustine's home by Child Protective Services because of her hoarding. She was never able to clean up enough to have him return. Now, as an adult living on the other side of the count...

Episode 2 | Judi/Gail

When rescue workers were called to Judi's home they found her stuck in massive amounts of clutter and were forced to remove her through the kitchen window. The city condemned her home and she was placed in a rehabilitation facilit...

Episode 3 | Chris/Dale

After the death of her newborn son, Chris filled the void by surrounding herself with possessions. Attention Deficit Disorder makes it impossible for her to focus long enough to clean up. She's now at risk of losing custody of her...

Episode 4 | Bob/Richard

Bob and Betsey's home is filled with broken furniture, appliances, food, piles of clothes, mounds of books and toys. An invasion of fleas and bed bugs has forced them and their four children into a tent in the backyard where they ...

Episode 5 | Julie/Shannon

Julie lost custody of her son to her ex-husband due to hoarding and now risks losing two other children. Shannon, her husband Tim, and their four young children live in a house that is filled with garbage and infested with mice.

Episode 6 | Deborah/Jim

Deborah fears her hoarding will lead authorities to take her children away again. Jim manages a successful honey business as a bee keeper but at home he is a compulsive hoarder.

Episode 7 | Linda/Todd

Linda's family has been ripped apart by hoarding. She wants nothing more than to have a relationship with her grown children, but they refuse to come near her house which is packed waist and neck high with piles of belongings. Des...

Episode 8 | Janet/Christina

Janet's picture perfect life crumbled when her husband of 32 years died while waiting for a heart transplant. Devastated, her hoarding spun out of control and she has now hit rock bottom. She turned to shopping and began filling h...

Episode 9 | Gail/Warren

Gail's house is literally falling in around her. With no heat, cracking walls, a leaking ceiling and bowing floor boards, Gail desperately needs to make repairs but can't because the house is packed full. Gail has to go in for maj...

Episode 10 | Tra/Jill

Tra is a 40 year-old firefighter living two separate lives. At his firehouse, he is expected to live in a clean and structured world. But in his home, he lives in chaos, surrounded wall-to-wall by hoarded possessions. Now, these t...

Episode 11 | June/Doug

28-year-old June lives in a mobile home filled with keepsakes like Care Bears and Cabbage Patch dolls. She's not only facing violations of the city's fire codes, but a strained relationship with her 13-year-old daughter, Tori. The...

Episode 12 | Dennis & Nadene/Erin & Malinda

Dennis and his wife Nadene are compulsive hoarders who blame one another for the clutter and mess that has completely consumed their home. Dennis, a retired cop with an arsenal of guns and knives, has retreated to his bedroom in d...

Episode 13 | Claudie

This family of 14 was the Brady Bunch of the block--until mother Claudie's hoarding tore the family apart and turned them all into the pariahs of the neighborhood. The house is so bad that Claudie is now sleeping in a homeless she...

Episode 14 | Michelle/Kim

The small paths in Michelle's house are the only way she can get to her collection of more than 60 birds. Her husband of 30 years has been chased from the home by the animals and the hoarded piles that in some places reach five fe...

Episode 15 | Betty, Jill, Jake, Bill & Paul Update

In this special follow-up episode we check in on the progress of Jill, Jake, Betty, Bill and Paul from our first season.