Episode 1 | Good Times with Weapons

The boys lie to get ninja weapons from the fair, but must decide whether or not to tell their parents when Butters is injured with a throwing star.

Episode 2 | Up the Down Steroid

Jimmy begins using steroids to improve his chances in the special Olympics. Meanwhile, Cartman disguises himself as a handicapped boy so he can enter as well and win the cash prize.

Episode 3 | The Passion of the Jew

Cartman leads a campaign against the Jews after seeing "The Passion Of The Christ." Meanwhile, Stan and Kenny try to get their money back from Mel Gibson and discover that he is completely insane.

Episode 4 | You Got F'd in the A

A gang of kids from the O.C. challenge Stan to a dance-off. But before the big event, Butters must confront a painful event from his past.

Episode 5 | AWESOM-O

Cartman dresses up as a robot from Japan, sent to Butters. He tricks him into believing it and can't give away his identity because he finds out Butters has a video of him dancing to Britney Spears and kissing a Justin Timberlake ...

Episode 6 | The Jeffersons

Michael Jackson moves to South Park but tries to conceal his identity. and local cops try to frame him because he is a rich black man.

Episode 7 | Goobacks

When people from a poverty-stricken future travel back in time to find work, South Park residents accuse them of taking their jobs.

Episode 8 | Douche and Turd

Stan refuses to vote in the school mascot election because his choices are a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Unfortunately, his views on voting are seen as un-American, and he is ultimately banished from the town.

Episode 9 | Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes

When a Wall-Mart built in South Park takes business away from local businesses, the boys go to the company's headquarters to get it destroyed.

Episode 10 | Pre-School

A bully who was sent to juvenile hall in a misunderstanding is released, and comes looking for revenge.

Episode 11 | Quest for Ratings

The boys begin to exaggerate stories when their student news show falls behind in the ratings.

Episode 12 | Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset

Mr. Slave fights against Paris Hilton when she becomes a bad influence on the girls in South Park. Meanwhile, Paris offers Butters' parents a huge amount of money if she can keep Butters as a pet.

Episode 13 | Cartman's Incredible Gift

Cartman mistakenly believes he is a psychic, and is recruited by the police to help them with investigations.

Episode 14 | Woodland Critter Christmas

Stan helps a group of woodland critters by killing a mountain lion, only to discover that he's helping them give birth to the Antichrist.