Episode 1 | Corpuscles v Cat Lovers

Three graduates of Corpus Christi College, Oxford pit their wits against a trio of cat lovers.

Episode 2 | Cartophiles v Celts

Three map lovers take on a team from Wales, competing to draw together connections between things.

Episode 3 | Francophiles v Festival Fans

A trio connected by their love of all things French take on three festival attendees.

Episode 4 | General Practitioners v Fell Walkers

A trio of GPs square up to three fell walkers, competing to draw together connections between things.

Episode 5 | Corpuscles v Cartophiles

Two teams who lost their first heats return for another chance at making semi-finals.

Episode 6 | General Practitioners v Festival Fans

Three GPs and a trio of festival fans return for a second chance at making semi-finals.

Episode 7 | Celts v Cat Lovers

The Celts and Cat Lovers, both first-round winners, return in hopes of securing a place in semi-finals.

Episode 8 | Francophiles v Fell Walkers

The Francophiles and Fell Walkers, both first-round winners, return in hopes of securing a place in semi-finals.

Episode 9 | Festival Fans v Cat Lovers

A trio of festival fans take on three cat lovers in both teams' last chance to make it to semi-finals.

Episode 10 | Cartophiles v Fell Walkers

Three map lovers and a trio of fell walkers return to try to make it to semi-finals.

Episode 11 | Celts v Festival Fans

Celts v Festival Fans: Quiz show in which links must be made between seemingly random things.

Episode 12 | Francophiles v Cartophiles

Francophiles v Cartophiles: Quiz show in which links must be made between seemingly random things.

Episode 13 | Francophiles v Celts

Francophiles v Celts: In series finale, Francophiles take on Celts in a bid to be named champions.