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Only Connect
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 16
Season 17
Season 18
Season 19
Season 20
Episode 1 | Politicos v Felinophiles
A trio of political enthusiasts compete against three cat lovers to draw together connections between seemingly unrelated things.
Episode 2 | History Boys v Oxonians
Three historians take on a team from Oxford. They compete to draw together connections between things.
Episode 3 | Wandering Minstrels v Gallifreyans
Three musicians take on a team of Doctor Who fans. They compete to draw together connections between things.
Episode 4 | QI Elves v Bibliophiles
A team of researchers from QI take on a trio of book lovers. They'll compete to draw together connections between things.
Episode 5 | Coders v Gamesmasters
Three coders square up to a team of video gamers. They'll compete to draw together connections between things.
Episode 6 | Chessmen v Linguists
A team of chess fans meet a team of linguists. They'll compete to draw together connections between things.
Episode 7 | Orienteers v Romantics
A team of orienteers take on three old-fashioned romantics. They'll compete to draw together connections between things.
Episode 8 | Nørdiphiles v Nightwatchmen
A trio of Norway-lovers take on three cricket fans. They'll compete to draw together connections between things.
Episode 9 | Politicos v Oxonians
Two teams of first-round losers return for a second chance to stay in tournament. They'll compete to draw together connections between things.
Episode 10 | Wandering Minstrels v Chessmen
Two more teams of first-round losers return for a second chance to stay in tournament.
Episode 11 | Children in Need: Noggins v Curiosities
Two more teams of first-round losers return for a second chance to stay in tournament.
Episode 12 | Coders v Romantics
Two more teams of first-round losers return for a second chance to stay in tournament.
Episode 13 | QI Elves v Nightwatchmen
Two teams who won their first heat return in hope of securing a place in quarter-finals.
Episode 14 | History Boys v Felinophiles
Two teams who won their first heat return in hope of securing a place in quarter-finals.
Episode 15 | Linguists v Gallifreyans
Two more first-round winners return in hope of securing a place in quarter-finals.
Episode 16 | Orienteers v Gamesmasters
Two more first-round winners return in hope of securing a place in quarter-finals.
Episode 17 | Nørdiphiles v Bibliøphiles
A trio of chess players and three cat lovers return for a last chance at making it to quarter-finals.
Episode 18 | Chessmen v Felinophiles
A trio of chess players and three cat lovers fight for a quarter-final place.
Episode 19 | Linguists v Oxonians
A team of book lovers take on three video gamers in a bid to secure a place in quarter-finals.
Episode 20 | Bibliophiles v Gamesmasters
The QI Elves take on three computer experts as they compete to win a place in quarter-finals.
Episode 21 | QI Elves v Coders
In this quarter-final, three historians take on a trio of linguists. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Susan, Surajprasad, Staples and Stearns.
Episode 22 | History Boys v Linguists
In second of quarter-finals, Orienteers face up to a team of video game enthusiasts.
Episode 23 | Orienteers v Gamesmasters
The QI Elves return in this quarter-final. They compete against Nordiphiles to draw together connection between things.
Episode 24 | Nørdiphiles v QI Elves
Three chess players take on a team of Doctor Who fans in last of quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects memory stick, jazzercise, jacuzzi and portaloo.
Episode 25 | Chessmen v Gallifreyans
In first of semi-finals a trio of chess aficionados take on three history buffs in a bid to win their place in series finale.
Episode 26 | Comic Relief Special: Waterbabies v Tillers
In last of semi-finals a team of orienteers take on QI Elves in a bid to win their place in series finale.
Episode 27 | Chessmen v History Boys
In series finale, Orienteers and Chessmen battle it out to be named Only Connect champions.
Episode 28 | Orienteers v QI Elves
In this special Children in Need episode, two teams of celebrities put their collective reputations on line in name of charity.
Episode 29 | Orienteers v Chessmen