Episode 1 | Cluesmiths v Operational Researchers

Three crossword compilers take on a trio of operational researchers in first of eleventh series.

Episode 2 | Polyglots v Yorkers

A team of linguists take on three York University students in this show. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Monstroso.

Episode 3 | Spaghetti Westerners v Mixologists

A team of film buffs take on three cocktail aficionados. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Daddy Warbucks, Ellen Ripley, Sherlock Holmes and Bobby Ewing.

Episode 4 | Collectors v Railwaymen

A team of collectors take on three railway enthusiasts. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Llanelli RFC, A for adultery, Sir Percy Blakeney and Sherlock Holmes debut.

Episode 5 | Wayfarers v Bookworms

A team of travel enthusiasts take on a trio of bibliophiles. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects a song in High Society.

Episode 6 | String Section v Headliners

A team of musicians take on three publishers in this edition. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects flag of Vietnam, Google Os, MCC tie and Rupert Bear's clothes.

Episode 7 | Road Trippers v Athenians

A trio of road trippers take on three fans of Greece in this edition. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Elizabeth and James, Menace II Society, Harvard Connection and I'm Gonna Be.

Episode 8 | Scientists v Builders

A team of scientists square up to a team of builders in last of heats. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects The Raven, Little Weed, Seagulls in Finding Nemo and Hodor.

Episode 9 | Polyglots v Operational Researchers

A team of linguists battle it out against a team of operational researchers for a place in next phase of competition.

Episode 10 | Collectors v Mixologists

Two teams who lost their first heats return for one last chance to make it to quarter finals.

Episode 11 | Headliners v Bookworms

Two teams who lost their first heats return for one last chance to make it to quarter finals.

Episode 12 | Road Trippers v Builders

Two teams who lost their first heats return for one last chance to make it to quarter finals.

Episode 13 | Cluesmiths v Yorkers

The Cluesmiths take on Yorkers. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Seborga, Forvik, Christiania and Sealand.

Episode 14 | Spaghetti Westerners v Railwaymen

Two winning teams return in hope of securing a place in quarter-finals: The Spaghetti Westerners and Railwaymen.

Episode 15 | Wayfarers v String Section

A team of Wayfarers take on a trio of musicians. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects numbat, echidna, pangolin and aardvark.

Episode 16 | Scientists v Athenians

Three scientists take on a team of Athenians. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Einsteinium, names of Allah, 1974 Lions call and Luftballons.

Episode 17 | Cluesmiths v Mixologists

The Cluesmiths and Mixologists return for a last chance to earn a place in quarter-finals.

Episode 18 | Children in Need Special: Music Monkeys v Chess Pieces

A trio of film buffs and three operational researchers return for a last chance to make it to quarter-finals.

Episode 19 | Spaghetti Westerners v Operational Researchers

A team of wayfarers and three builders return for a last chance to make it to quarter-finals.

Episode 20 | Wayfarers v Builders

The Athenians and Bookworms return for a last chance to make it to quarter-finals.

Episode 21 | Athenians v Bookworms

The Scientists and String Section return in first of quarter-finals. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Memoir: My Life, Song: Your Life, Film: September and Novella: The Life of Ivan Denisovich.

Episode 22 | Scientists v String Section

The Yorkers and Operational Researchers return in second quarter-final. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects Rebecca, Cold, Western and Judean People's Front.

Episode 23 | Yorkers v Operational Researchers

The Cluesmiths and Railwaymen return for a quarter-final match. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects ADN, TVA, SIDA and OTAN.

Episode 24 | Cluesmiths v Railwaymen

The Wayfarers and Bookworms return for a quarter-final match. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects General Tom Thumb, 'Sonny' Liston, Chuck Berry and Lewis Carroll.

Episode 25 | Wayfarers v Bookworms

The first of semi-finals and 200th episode. Two returning teams compete for a place in grand final.

Episode 26 | Semi-Final 1

In second semi-final, two returning teams compete for a place in grand final. So join Victoria Coren Mitchell if you want to know what connects 'blending', 'changing', 'like smoke' and light-dark'.

Episode 27 | Semi-Final 2

In grand final, two teams battle it out to be named Only Connect series champions.

Episode 28 | The Final

In this Children in Need special, two teams of celebrities compete to draw together connections between things.

Episode 29 | Sport Relief: Royal III v BBC

In this Sport Relief special, Royal III - David Baddiel, Dr John Cooper Clarke and Philippa Gregory - square up to BBC - Hugh Dennis, Julian Lloyd Webber and Lynne Truss.