Episode 1 | Shrimps and Prime Rib

The Titans try to remember how to be superheroes in order to stop The Brain.

Episode 2 | Halloween vs Christmas

When Santa tries to take over Halloween, it's up to the Titans and a few ghouls to stop him.

Episode 3 | Booby Trap House

Cyborg and Starfire booby-trap the tower for safety

Episode 4 | Fish Water

Starfire wins a goldfish at the carnival and vows to keep it alive.

Episode 5 | TV Knight

Batman and Commissioner check in on various happenings around Jump city.

Episode 6 | Teen Titans Save Christmas

When Santa calls it quits, the Titans must pitch in to save the holiday.

Episode 7 | BBSFBDAY

Beast Boy agrees to share his birthday with Starfire after learning that she's never had one on Earth.

Episode 8 | The Streak - Part 1

This is a two part episode. Episodes 8 and 9 make up the full episode.

Episode 9 | The Streak - Part 2

This is a two part episode. Episodes 8 and 9 make up the full episode.

Episode 10 | The Inner Beauty of a Cactus

The Titans play "Spin the Bottle" as Starfire tries to improve her vocabulary through kissing.

Episode 11 | Movie Night

It's Movie Night, and the Titans have a hard time deciding who gets to choose which movie they watch.

Episode 12 | BBRAE - Part 1

Beast Boy writes a song to tell Raven how he feels about her.

Episode 13 | BBRAE - Part 2

Beast Boy goes on tour with the song he wrote for Raven and she is jealous so she puts a curse on the song.

Episode 14 | Permanent Record

It's back to school as the Titans teach each other about science and grammar.

Episode 15 | Titan Saving Time

The Titans are determined to find out what happened to the missing two o'clock hour during Daylight Saving Time.

Episode 16 | The Gold Standard

It is St Patrick's Day, and after wishing to become a leprechaun, Beast Boy becomes obsessed with gold.

Episode 17 | Master Detective

Robin uses his skills as a master detective to discover what happened to the animals that live outside Titans Tower.

Episode 18 | Easter Creeps

It's Easter, and the Tooth Fairy is trying to take over the holiday.

Episode 19 | Hand Zombie

After Starfire kisses Robin's hand he becomes obsessed with not washing it so he covers it with a plastic bag not knowing what effects it might have on his hand.

Episode 20 | Employee of the Month: Redux

While the other Titans are trying to stop a cow-stealing UFO, Beast Boy gets a job to buy a moped.

Episode 21 | The Avogodo

In Cinco de Mayo, Robin learns that avocados are a superfood that give you superpowers.

Episode 22 | Orangins

The Titans tell their slightly inaccurate origin stories.

Episode 23 | Jinxed

Robin ignores the rules for a game of jinx and ends up losing his voice.

Episode 24 | Brain Percentages

Beast Boy starts using more than 10% of his brain in an effort to find the hidden images in a puzzle.

Episode 25 | BL4Z3

The Titans become hackers to stop a gang of computer pirates.

Episode 26 | Hot Salad Water

When drinking tea turns the other Titans English, it's up to Robin to save America from another British invasion.

Episode 27 | The Day the Night Stopped Beginning to Shine and Became Dark Even Though It Was the Day Chapter One: I Saw You Dance

Cyborg becomes trapped in the alternate reality of Night Begins to Shine with a Dragon who wants to steal the song for his own evil purposes.

Episode 28 | The Day the Night Stopped Beginning to Shine and Became Dark Even Though It Was the Day Chapter Two: The Story in Your Eyes

Without Cyborg, Beast Boy feels lost and sets out to find himself, but ends up meeting a music legend.

Episode 29 | The Day the Night Stopped Beginning to Shine and Became Dark Even Though It Was the Day Chapter Three: Playing Hard to Get

The Titans return to the alternate reality to save Cyborg; but will they be able to defeat the Dragon?

Episode 30 | The Day the Night Stopped Beginning to Shine and Became Dark Even Though It Was the Day Chapter Four: Night Begins to Shine

In a final epic battle, the Titans and their musician friends square off against the Dragon for control of The Night Begins to Shine.

Episode 31 | Lication

Robin introduces the other Titans to a moneymaking application, but they soon learn the dangers or a "shareconomy.

Episode 32 | Labor Day

It's Labor Day, and Robin teaches the other Titans about the importance of labor in a special episode.

Episode 33 | Classic Titans

To prove his point about classic Super Hero cartoons, Control Freak send the Titans to a former version of Teen Titans Go!

Episode 34 | Ones and Zeroes

The Titans build an AI robot that can create a pizza that's never been made before.

Episode 35 | Career Day

Robin forces the other Titans to forget about their dreams and find regular, boring jobs.

Episode 36 | TV Knight 2

Batman and Commissioner Gordon have a slumber party and watch their favorite TV shows.

Episode 37 | Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star - Part 1

The Justice League holds a talent competition to find a Super Hero worthy of joining the team.

Episode 38 | Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star - Part 2

In Part Two, Robin tries everything to win as the competition heats up.

Episode 39 | The Academy

Robin creates the Teen Titan Awards in an effort to get his teammates to clean up Titans Tower.

Episode 40 | Costume Contest

Tired of losing to the H.I.V.E. Five every year, the Titans hatch a scheme to win the costume contest.

Episode 41 | Throne of Bones

When the other Titans start listening to heavy metal music, Robin warns them of the dangers.

Episode 42 | Demon Prom

Trigon makes Raven attend her prom, and she brings along the other Titans to upset him.

Episode 43 | Thanksgetting

It's Thanksgiving, but the Titans are sick of the normal traditions, so they create their own.

Episode 44 | The Self-Indulgent 200th Episode Spectacular - Part 1

This week an all new episode of Teen Titans Go!.

Episode 45 | The Self Indulgent 200th Episode Spectacular - Part 2

This week an all new episode of Teen Titans Go!.


Beast Boy and Cyborg celebrate the birthday of their friendship.

Episode 47 | Beast Girl

As the Titans deal with Madame Rouge, Beast Boy is excited to meet his female counterpart known as Beast Girl.

Episode 48 | Flashback - Part 1

A flashback reveals how Robin formed the Teen Titans.

Episode 49 | Flashback - Part 2

A flashback reveals how Robin formed the Teen Titans.

Episode 50 | Bro-Pocalypse

When the male Titans are injured, Raven and Starfire must become bros to stop the "Bropocalypse."

Episode 51 | Mo' Money Mo' Problems

When the Titans make Robin give them a tour of Wayne Manor, they discover how fun it is to be rich.

Episode 52 | TV Knight 3

Batman is more interested in watching TV than participating in his birthday party.