Shi Guang Dai Li Ren

Episode 1 | Falling

After the incident with Lu Guang, Cheng is forced to deal with the devastating situation and is forced to pay the debt as things begin to uncover

Episode 2 | The Night Raid

Cheng and Qiao Ling need to fight to solve the situation, while Inspector Xiao Li attends Inspector Chen Bin.

Episode 3 | Two Funerals

Cheng and Qiao encounter a familiar face that comes to their aid. However, they later find themselves at a funeral.

Episode 4 | Them in the Photo

Qian Jin continues to look for Liu Min's phone while Lu Guang and Cheng investigate the photo that was given to Lu Guang

Episode 5 | Last Supper

Cheng and Lu Guang continue to investigate the photo but in doing so, they uncover the dark past that hid within the picture.

Episode 6 | Li Tianxi

Cheng begins to interrogate Li Tianxi unknowing of her intentions, in doing so, the police and the others stress, as things take a confusing turn

Episode 7 | Urban Warfare

As Li Tianxi and Cheng continue their ulterior motive, inspectors Xiao Li and Wang Juan endulge in a physical and psychological battle in hopes to expose their intentions

Episode 8 | The Hostage

With Lu Guangs sudden interference Cheng and Qiao are left perplexed and saved, however, things take a sharp turn ruining the situation even more

Episode 9 | Three Stories

As cheng continues his mission in the past, Li Tianchen and Qian jin's backstories uncover, revealing their true natures.

Episode 10 | Improvise

After learning the secrets to Li Tianchen's powers, Cheng comes up with a stategy to try and save Lu guang but things don't end up going as planned.

Episode 11 | Confrontation

Cheng comes up with a tactical strategy to try and save both himself and Lu guang, however Qian Jing proves that he is one step ahead and things end up going unexpectedly for both sides.

Episode 12 | Can't Live Without A Good Brother

Qian jin engages in a ruthless battle against Lu Guang and Cheng in hopes to settle the score. The real truth about the twin's past unravels, as their battle reaches its breathtaking climax