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Ancient Aliens
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 16
Season 17
Season 18
Season 19
Season 20
Season 21
Episode 1 | The Power of Three
The ancient Egyptians built the three pyramids of Giza in a formation; diverse cultures worship the all-knowing triads; an ancient tablet mentioned the power of the number three; the language of human DNA is written in a pattern o...
Episode 2 | The Crystal Skulls
Luminous relics in the shape of human skulls. Otherworldly artifacts believed to harness the secrets of the universe. Are the Crystal Skulls part of an elaborate hoax? Or do they possess a great, perhaps even otherworldly power?
Episode 3 | The Anunnaki Connection
In ancient Mesopotamia, the Sumerians make advances in agriculture, science, medicine, and astronomy, crediting these achievements to winged gods known as the Anunnaki.
Episode 4 | Magic of the Gods
Wondrous wizards... Mysterious sorcerers... And heavenly beings... possessed of unimaginable power. Throughout the ancient world, magic was used for everything from healing to communicating with the gods. But did magic really exis...
Episode 5 | The Satan Conspiracy
He is the evil one, the Prince of Darkness, the ruler of Hell. Satan conjures up horrifying images of a horned beast whose sole purpose is to destroy humanity. Yet there is evidence that the fallen angel we know as Satan may be mi...
Episode 6 | Alien Operations
Mysterious surgeries performed by early humans... Strange beings with miraculous powers... And a cover up--destroying centuries of scientific knowledge. Are recent breakthroughs in medicine the result of years of research?
Episode 7 | Emperors, Kings and Pharaohs
Powerful monarchs ruling by divine right. Centuries-old dynasties amassing enormous wealth. And legendary leaders wielding powerful weapons of mass destruction. Is it possible that ancient rulers were, in fact, connected with divi...
Episode 8 | Mysterious Relics
Sacred bones... Golden hats... And fragments of sacred objects thought to possess healing properties. All around the world, archaeologists have uncovered mysterious relics revered by ancient cultures for thousands of years. Now on...
Episode 9 | Aliens and Forbidden Islands
Legends of lost and mysterious islands, advanced civilizations and Eden-like paradises have been told by sailors throughout human history. Is it possible these stories are more than just the myths of imaginative seafarers? Might e...
Episode 10 | Aliens and the Lost Ark
The Ark of the Covenant is one of the most sought after religious relics of all times and far more than just a box that contained the Ten Commandments. The biblical stories surrounding the Ark speak of a device with divine powers ...
Episode 11 | Aliens and Mysterious Mountains
Across ancient civilizations, the world's mountains were viewed as the sacred home to all-powerful gods. Why would so many different cultures share this belief that mountains had a connection to otherworldly beings? The Greeks bel...
Episode 12 | Alien Transports
Episode 13 | Mysterious Structures
Episode 14 | Mysterious Devices
Episode 15 | The Reptilians
Episode 16 | The Tesla Experiment
Episode 17 | The God Particle
Episode 18 | Alien Encounters
Episode 19 | Aliens & Superheroes