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Acting Good
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Episode 1 | One Flew Out of the Kookum's Nest
Episode 2 | To Catch a Rummager
Episode 3 | Fasting and Furious
Episode 4 | L'il Tonys in the Mist
Episode 5 | The Flighting Grouse
An online nemesis shows up in person to confront Paul; Health Week introduces a potential new romantic interest for Jo.
Episode 6 | Roger That
After Roger Laughingstick quits his job in protest of Jo's chiefdom, Paul stumbles across the radio DJ's memoir and shares it live on air.
Episode 7 | One Point for the Road
The Grouse Lake volleyball team seeks to finally score a single point; Jo struggles to accept that band constable Lips is her best friend.
Episode 8 | Dabs of Thunder
The community comes together for Monster Bingo, reheating old rivalries and sparking new ones.
Episode 9 | The Wolf of Paul Street
An impending wedding and an untimely event forces Paul to finally grow up; Jo struggles to parent Chickadee and calls in support.
Episode 10 | A Man for All Shack-Up Seasons
A wedding and funeral bring Grouse Lake together; Paul continues his journey for love, while Jo sees an old nemesis in a new light.