Episode 1 | A Simple Plan

In Harris county Texas, a 41-year-old woman is killed in her home by four masked men. Investigators have an idea of who did it, but can they get enough evidence to prove it?

Episode 2 | Brutal Business

Two young men are shot in the head inside a drug house, their bodies, found burned in the trunk of a car. Investigators scramble to find eyewitnesses to the crime and the three suspects, but at trial, no one could say who pulled t...

Episode 4 | Love Thy Neighbor

An armed robbery escalates into capital murder and rocks a residential Houston neighborhood. One man is left for dead while his killers flee into the night. Four years later, will justice finally be served?

Episode 5 | Easy Money

A robbery at a Cleveland convenience store turns deadly when a store clerk is shot and killed. As police track down the men responsible, they discover more robberies and a second homicide that can be tied to the same suspects.