Episode 1 | Plunge Pool, Heat Pump

Jenn installs a plunge pool for a homeowner with a small backyard; Tom gives some basic tips about insulating an attic; Richard travels to Celebration, Florida to help a homeowner select and install the right electric water heater.

Episode 2 | Window Repair, Space House Tour

Mark explains how to make concrete; Tom replaces a broken pane; Ross travels to NASA Johnson Space Center to learn about the technology they use on the International Space Station to keep the astronauts alive.

Episode 3 | Stone Walkway, Rustic Headboard

Mark installs a front walkway for a homeowner using natural stone; Mauro explains the uses and techniques for different types of painter's tape; Tom and Kevin build a headboard using rustic barnboard.

Episode 4 | Garage Heat, DIY Security System

Richard travels to Akron, Ohio to install a garage heater; Tom teaches the basics of sanding; Ross installs a DIY security system; Mark investigates a strange issue happening to foundations in the Northeast.

Episode 5 | Crown Molding, Strip Wallpaper

Installing Crown molding on cabinets with full overly doors; toilet seats; stripping wallpaper without using chemicals.

Episode 6 | Storage Bench, Old Shower Valve

Tom and Kevin build a modern storage bench out of a single sheet of MDF; Richard travels to Seattle to help a homeowner whose shower runs cold whenever there's a demand for hot water elsewhere in the house.

Episode 7 | Swap Door Swing, Tropical Yard

The team discusses tools that make good gifts; Jenn returns to her home state of Florida to help a homeowner design a tropical landscape for his backyard; former apprentice Nathan returns to help Tom change the swing of an entry d...

Episode 8 | Fireplace Makeover, Drip Edges

Mark replaces a chipped brick in a fireplace surround and then Mauro updates it with a whitewashed look; Richard shares some advice on maintaining water heaters; Tom demonstrates the importance of a properly installed drip edge.

Episode 9 | Swing Set, Robotic Constructuon

Building a swing set; building saw horses with materials left over from the job site; automated home construction.

Episode 10 | Concrete Walkway, Jimmy DiResta

Replacing a concrete walkway with brick pavers; installing gas piping in a home; building a farmhouse table; guest Jimmy DiResta.

Episode 11 | Seismic Retrofit, Dryer Vent

Protecting homes from earthquakes; staining concrete; why and how to change lo locks in a new home; rerouting a lengthy dryer vent.

Episode 12 | Cabinet Upgrade, Secret Garden

Soft close kitchen cabinets; how gas regulators work; cleaning up an overgrown garden and redesigning it as a secret garden.

Episode 13 | Closet Door, Bathroom Paint

Replacing a bifold closet door; alternatives to flower bouquets; painting a bathroom using a mold resistant paint.

Episode 14 | Vertical Garden, Toilet Factory

Installing a vertical garden; uses for different drill bits; advanced in toilet engineering that help save water.

Episode 15 | Stucco Repair, Gas Dryer

Repairing a crack in a concrete retaining wall with a stucco finish; air compressors; installing a gas dryer.

Episode 16 | Paint Metal Railing, Wine Rack

Repainting a rusty metal railing; innovations that make cleaning a clogged sink easier; building a wire rack out of a reclaimed beam.

Episode 17 | Prairie Grasses, Solar Flower

Caring for prairie grasses; making a home more resistant to wildfires; a robotic solar array mimics a sunflower.

Episode 18 | Smart Irrigation, Jimmy DiResta

Upgrading an irrigation system; home inspection nightmares; kitchen renovations; building an Adirondack-style outdoor chair with Jimmy DiResta.

Episode 19 | Water Filter, Bathroom Caulking

Updating a water filter on a retro faucet; the uses for different types of masonry jointers; when and how to use a Japanese pull saw; re-caulking a bathtub.

Episode 20 | Foundation Repointing, Textured Ceiling

Repointing a fieldstone foundation; water management on the outside of a house; the disposal of oily rags; smoothing over a textured ceiling.

Episode 21 | Stair Treads, Gas Stove Pipe

Replacing split-level stair treads; pruners; shortening a gas pipe for a new stove.

Episode 22 | Restore Fireplace, Porch Swing

Killing weeds without hurting the lawn; restoring a historic fireplace built with custom bricks; thermostats; hanging a swing.

Episode 23 | Scorched Floor, Hardy Plantings

Testing a smart stud finder; repairing a wood floor that had been burned; using a table saw safely; replacing and improving foundation plantings that had been crushed by snow.

Episode 24 | Humidity Mystery, Brick Patch

Diagnosing and repairing an HVAC system; building a fire to prevent smoke from filling up a room; re-staining a deck.

Episode 25 | Deck Staining, Water Monitoring

Sharpening a knife; re-staining a deck; building a fire; automatic water shut off valves.

Episode 26 | Historic Paintings, Wood Utensils

Adding curb appeal to a house using Victorian flowers; matching paint colors; home inspection issues; hand carving wooden serving utensils.