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All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Episode 1 | New Year's Smash 2021 Night 1
Hikaru Shida will slaying a zombie, Kenny Omega and Fenix with an instant classic, and the Bullet Club has getting the band back together.
Episode 2 | New Year's Smash 2021 Night 2
New Years Smash Night 2 includes Darby Allin defending his TNT title against Brian Cage, Chuck Taylor vs Miro, NWA Women's title match: Serena Deeb vs Tay Conti, Kenny Omega in action, Jurassic Express vs FTR, Pac vs Eddie Kingsto...
Episode 3 | Inner Circle Tag Team Challenge
Inner Circle tag challenge: Santana & Ortiz vs MJF & Jericho vs Sammy/Hager. Matt Sydal & Top Flight vs Matt Hardy & Private Party. Hangman Page & Dark Order vs Hybrid2 & Chaos Project. Nyla Rose vs Leyla Hirsch. Moxley in action.
Episode 4 | Too Sweet
Eddie Kingston vs Lance Archer, Cody responds to Shaq, Dax Harwood vs Jungle Boy, Young Bucks & Good Brothers vs Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, John Silver & Alex Reynolds.
Episode 5 | Beach Break
Kenny Omega & Good Brothers vs Rey Fenix, PAC & Jon Moxley. Britt Baker vs. Thunder Rosa. Lance Archer vs. Eddie Kingston. #1 Contenders Tag Team Battle Royal for the AEW World Tag Team Championship.
Episode 6 | Falls Count Anywhere
Omega & Kenta vs Moxley & Archer. TNT Title match: Darby Allin vs Joey Janela. Jericho & MJF vs The Acclaimed. An interview with Sting. Pac vs Ryan Nemeth. Leyla Hirsch vs Thunder Rosa. Cody & Lee Johnson vs Avalon & Bononi.
Episode 7 | More Bang for Your Buck
Moxley, Fenix, & Archer vs Kingston, Butcher & Blade. Sting calls out Team Taz. AEW Tag Champs Young Bucks vs Santana & Ortiz. Riho returns for Women's Eliminator Tournament vs Serena Deeb. FTR vs Mike & Matt Sydal.
Episode 8 | Living Close to the Flame
Face of Revolution ladder match: Rey Fenix vs Archer. Moxley vs Ryan Nemeth. Page vs Isiah Kassidy. Nyla Rose vs Britt Baker. Brandon Cutler vs Jake Hager.
Episode 9 | The Crossroads
Shaq & Jade vs Cody & Red Velvet. Tully Blanchard returns with FTR vs Jurassic Express. Dark Order vs Matt Hard, TH2 & Private Party. Jericho & MJFs press conference.
Episode 10 | AEW Revolution 2021 Fallout
MJF & Jericho vs Young Bucks. TNT Title: Darby vs Scorpio Sky. Britt Baker, Maki Itoh & Nyla Rose vs Shida, Ryo & Rosa. Ethan Page vs Lee Johnson. Cody in action.
Episode 11 | St. Patrick's Day Slam
Moxley & Kingston vs The Good Brothers. Cody vs Penta El Zero Miedo. Jurassic Express & Bear County vs Hardy, Private Party & Butcher & Blade. Jade Cargill in action. Lights Out Match: Britt Baker vs Thunder Rosa.
Episode 12 | The Road to AEW Double or Nothing 2021 Begins
Sydal vs Omega. TNT title match: Darby Allin vs John Silver. FTR & Shawn Spears vs Varsity Blonds & Dante Martin. Nyla Rose vs Tay Conti.
Episode 13 | Arcade Anarchy
Miro & Kip vs Orange Cassidy & Chuck Taylor. Cody Rhodes vs QT Marshall. MJF's gift to the pinnacle. Omega & Good Bros vs Laredo Kid & Lucha Bros. Christian Cage's in ring debut vs Kazarian. Shida & Conti vs Nyla & Bunny.
Episode 14 | Godzilla vs. Kong
Jurassic Express vs. Bear Country. TNT Title Match: Darby Allin vs JD Drake. Jon Moxley & AEW World Tag Champs The Young Bucks vs AEW World Champ Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers. The Bunny vs Tay Conti.
Episode 15 | Be Prepared to Be Surprised Again
AEW tag title match: Young Bucks vs Pac & Rey Fenix. Dax Harwood vs Jericho featuring Mike Tyson as special enforcer. Kris Statlander vs Amber Nova. Anthony Ogogo in action. Red Velvet vs Jade Cargill. Christian Cage in action. TN...
Episode 16 | Show Tunes About My Jerk-Off Friend
Mox & Kingston return. TNT title match: Darby vs Jungle Boy. AEW Women's Title match: Hikaru Shida vs Tay Conti. Ricky Starks vs Hangman Page. Penta vs Trent. MJF & Jericho's rivalry heat up ahead of Blood & Guts.
Episode 17 | The Man Who Put the Family Back Together
Penta vs Orange Cassidy. Statlander vs Penelope Ford. AEW tag title match: Young Bucks vs Matt & Mike Sydal. Nightmare Family vs The Factory. The Parley: Inner Circle & The Pinnacle. Brian Cage vs Hangman Page.
Episode 18 | Blood & Guts
Inner Circle vs The Pinnacle. Cody Rhodes vs QT Marshall. 4-Way tag team eliminator match: SCU vs Jurassic Express vs Varsity Blues vs The Acclaimed. Britt Baker in action. Omega & Nakazawa vs Moxley & Eddie Kingston.
Episode 19 | Wild Thing
TNT title match: Darby Allin vs Miro. IWGP US title match: Moxley vs Yuji Nagata. Tag title match: Young Bucks vs SCU. Orange Cassidy vs Pac. Thunder Rosa in action. The Pinnacle celebrate their win at Blood & Guts.
Episode 20 | Overconfidence Precedes Carelessness
Sydal vs Christian Cage. Tag Team Title match: Bucks vs Varsity Blonds. NWA Women's title match: Serena Deeb vs Red Velvet. Anthony Ogogo vs Austin Gunn. AEW Women's Title match: Hikaru Shida vs Rebel. Inner Circle responds to The...
Episode 21 | Friday Night Dynamite: A Celebration of The Inner Circle
Cody Rhodes and Anthony Ogogo weigh in. TNT title match: Miro vs Daunte Martin. Orange Cassidy responds to Omega. Dark Order vs Sky and Page. Darby Allin in vs Cezar Bononi. Janela vs Hangman.
Episode 22 | Friday Night Dynamite: AEW Double or Nothing 2021 Fallout
Christian and Jungle Boy vs Private Party. Britt Baker title celebration. Bullrope match: Nick Comoroto vs Dustin Rhodes. Red Velvet vs Bunny. The newest member of AEW, Mark Henry. Rhodes and Lee Johnson vs QT Marshall and Anthony...
Episode 23 | Friday Night Dynamite: The Road to AEW All Out 2021 Begins
Leyla Hirsch vs Nyla Rose. Christian Cage vs Angelico. Hangman Page and 10 vs Brian Cage and Hobbs. Young Bucks and Brandon Cutler vs PAC, Penta and Eddie Kingston TNT Title match: Miro vs Evil Uno.
Episode 24 | Friday Night Dynamite: Go It Alone
Wardlow vs Hager. Darby vs Scorpio Sky/Ethan Page. Kingston, Penta, Kazarian vs Matt Jackson and the good bros. Cody Rhodes and Brock Anderson vs QT Marshall and Aaron Solow. Cassidy vs Cezar Bononi.
Episode 25 | Saturday Night Dynamite: The Nail in Your Coffin
AEW title match: Omega vs Jungle Boy. Hobbs vs Hangman. Bunny vs Statlander. Dante Martin vs Sydal. Ethan Page vs Bear Bronson.
Episode 26 | Backfist from the Future
Penta and Kingston vs Young Bucks. Jungle Boy vs Jack Evans. Britt Baker and Rebel vs Nyla Rose and Vickie. TNT Title: Miro vs Brian Pullman Jr. Guevara vs MJF.
Episode 27 | Road Rager
Strap match: Cody vs QT. World Tag Titles: Young Bucks vs Penta and Kingston. Face to face stand off: Jericho and MJF. Andrade vs Matt Sydal. Statlander and Orange Cassidy vs Bunny and Blade. Inner Circle vs The Pinnacle.
Episode 28 | Fyter Fest 2021: Night 1
Coffin match: Darby vs Ethan Page. Hardy vs Christian. IWGP US title: Moxley vs Karl Anderson. Penelope Ford vs Yuka Sakazaki. FTW title: Cage vs Starks.
Episode 29 | Fyter Fest 2021: Night 2
Women's Title: Baker vs Nyla. Texas Death US Title Match: Moxley vs Archer. Jericho vs Shawn Spears. Cassidy vs Blade. Kazarian vs Gallows.
Episode 30 | Fight for the Fallen 2021
Painmaker Jericho vs Nick Gage. The Elite vs Dark Order/Adam Page. Santana and Ortiz vs FTR. IWGP US champ Lance Archer vs Hikuleo. Private Party/Angelico vs Christian and Jurassic express.
Episode 31 | Homecoming 2021
Kingston, Moxley and Darby vs Daniel Garcia and 2.0. Malakai Black vs Cody Rhodes. Miro vs Lee Johnson. Juventud Guerrera vs Jericho. Christian Cage vs Blade. Bunny vs Leyla Hirsch.
Episode 32 | Steel City Dynamite!
Episode 33 | The 5 Labours of Jericho: Chapter 5
Stings first match on TNT in 20 years. Darby and Sting vs 2.0. Young Bucks vs Jurassic Express. Jericho vs MJF. Guevara vs Shawn Spears.
Episode 34 | Best in the World
CM Punk makes an appearance. Malakai Black vs Brock Anderson. Lucha Bros vs Varsity Blonds. Orange Cassidy vs Matt Hardy. Jamie Hayter vs Red Velvet. Kingston, Moxley and Darby vs Wingmen.
Episode 35 | Countdown to AEW All Out 2021
FTR vs Santana and Ortiz. Good Bros and Young Bucks vs Lucha Bros and Jurassic Express. Brian Cage vs Powerhouse Hobbs. Orange Cassidy vs Jack Evans. Penelope Ford vs Tay Conti. JR interviews Jericho. Schiavone sits down with MJF.
Episode 36 | AEW All Out 2021 Fallout
Bryan Danielson and Adam Cole have arrived in AEW. Minoru Suzuki vs Moxley. Dustin Rhodes vs Malakai Black. Ruby Soho vs Jamie Hayter.
Episode 37 | The Road to AEW Full Gear 2021 Begins
Adam Cole vs Kazarian. Darby Allin and Sting vs Shawn Spears and Tony Blanchard. Jade vs Leyla.
Episode 38 | Grand Slam
Kenny Omega vs Bryan Danielson. MJF vs Brian Pillman Jr. Sting and Darby vs FTR. Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black. Women's title: Britt Baker vs Ruby Soho.
Episode 39 | Brodie Lee Appreciation Night
What's next for Omega and Danielson after their epic battle? CM Punk speaks. Rhodes and Lee vs Dante An Sydal. Penelope Ford and Bunny vs Tay Conti and Anna Jay.
Episode 40 | Anniversary
Episode 41 | Saturday Night Dynamite: The Inner Circle Reunited!
Episode 42 | Saturday Night Dynamite: Gun Violence & Incest
Episode 43 | Junk in a Blender
Episode 44 | Brainless, Wild Hyena
Episode 45 | Countdown to AEW Full Gear 2021
Danielson vs Rocky Romero. PAC vs Harwood. Baker, Rebel and Hayter vs Anna Jay, Conti and Rosa. Lio Rush and Dante Martin vs Moriarty and Sydal.
Episode 46 | AEW Full Gear 2021 Fallout
Danielson vs Evil Uno. Jay Lethal vs Guevara. Butcher and Blade vs Orange Cassidy and Tomohiro Ishii.
Episode 47 | Thanksgiving
CM Punk vs QT Marshall. Danielson vs Cabana. Rosa vs Hayter. Death Triangle and Cody vs FTR and Andrade.
Episode 48 | The Road to AEW Revolution 2022 Begins
Danielson vs 5. Punk vs Lee. Cody vs Andrade. Sting and Darby vs Gunn Club. Ruby Soho vs Statlander.
Episode 49 | He's Better Than You, and You Know It
Danielson vs John Silver. Dynamite Diamond Battle Royal. Young Bucks vs Chaos. Riho vs Jamie Hayter. .
Episode 50 | Winter Is Coming 2021
AEW Title: Danielson vs Page. MJF vs Dante Martin. Hikaru Shida vs Serena Deeb. Wardlow vs Matt Sydal.
Episode 51 | Holiday Bash 2021
Orange Cassidy vs Cole. Tony interviews Hangman. MJF and FTR vs Punk, Darby and Sting. Wardlow vs Shawn Dean. Ruby Soho vs Her Jacket. Garrison vs Black.
Episode 52 | New Year's Smash: Out with the Old
Wardlow vs Colin Delaney. Christian, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus vs Matt Hardy, FTR and Private Party. Kingston, Ortiz and Santana vs Daniel Garcia. Cassidy and Best Friends vs Cole, Fish and O'Reily. Cargill vs Rosa. CM Punk speaks.