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Wild Crime
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Episode 1 | Ain't She Purty
Alaska barista goes missing; cash is gone surveillance video shows her walking away with a man. A text from her phone says she needs time to think, but her dad is suspicious. Was she abducted? Police aren't sure, until a note arri...
Episode 2 | You've Got Your Monster
Israel Keyes, confesses to raping and killing the barista, torturing and killing a married couple in Vermont, raping the wife as well. Is his story true? Vermont cops search for evidence, while the FBI asks him: who else have you ...
Episode 3 | Because They're Mine
Israel Keyes, confesses to raping and killing the barista, torturing and killing a married couple in Vermont, raping the wife as well. Is his story true? Vermont cops search for evidence, while the FBI asks him: who else have you ...
Episode 4 | Mask of Sanity
Israel Keyes says he killed and demands being promised the death penalty before saying who. The guards find eleven skulls drawn in blood. Who are they? Before he answers, Keyes suddenly shocks everyone with a dramatic and unexpect...