Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka

Episode 1 | Syr

As Orario prepares for festivities, Bell narrowly survives the dungeon with Ryu. A tavern decision sparks turmoil in his life and the city.

Episode 2 | Master (Training)

Hedin Selland forcefully teaches Bell how to treat ladies properly in the hopes it will make his date with Syr at the Goddess Festival go perfectly.

Episode 3 | Odr (Partner)

Bell and Syr finally go on their festival date. Unfortunately, several meddlesome groups insist on being the third wheel.

Episode 4 | Seidr (God and Girl)

Bell can't act the dense, indecisive fool not after Syr poured her heart out to him. He must respond to her feelings honestly, but now the Freya Familia is trying to kill her

Episode 5 | Freya Familia (Invasion)

Syr had her chance. It's Freya's turn now, and the goddess will use any means necessary to make all of Orario understand that Bell is hers.

Episode 6 | Orario (Distorted City)

Bell claims he's part of the Hestia Familia. But that can't be right, he's always been part of the Freya Familia. His own Familia and goddess wouldn't lie to him, right?

Episode 7 | Loneliness (Separated)

Freya's control was never absolute. There will always be those who slipped through the cracks and cannot accept the new status quo.

Episode 8 | Bell Cranel (Desires)

Everyone has a breaking point, and Bell is approaching his limit. He has two choices left: he can either give in and accept Freya's affections, or forge ahead as his true self.

Episode 9 | Episode #5.9

As Bell discovers the truth about Syr and confronts Freya, Hestia unleashes her power. She is the Goddess of the Hearth, which makes her the most formidable deity in Orario.

Episode 10 | Episode #5.10

Freya declares a War Game against the Hestia Famila. The terms are simple: if Freya wins, Bell will be hers. But if she loses? She will return to Heaven.

Episode 11 | Episode #5.11

The Hestia Familia may have formed an alliance for the War Game, but the Freya Familia earned its fearsome reputation for a reason. The allied army is about to find out why.