Episode 3 | Spokane (Hour Three)

A 1938 Snow White banner, a Chinese huanghuali cosmetic case, and an 1860 John J. Audubon chromolithograph. What's the big find of the hour?

Episode 4 | Little Rock (Part One)

An Olin Travis Ozark hilltop oil, a 1936 Lou Gehrig autograph, and an English giltwood cabinet-on-stand. One is $80,000-$120,000!

Episode 5 | Little Rock (Part Two)

A Truman Capote "Playboy" manuscript, a jazz musician archive, and a Mississippian effigy from around 1000-1500 AD. Which is the top find?

Episode 6 | Little Rock (Part Three)

A 1985 Schulz Snoopy sketch, Chinese altar garniture, and a William Faulkner handmade poetry book. Which is valued at $70,000-$100,000?

Episode 7 | Charleston Part 1

Journey to West Virginia's capital city for finds like a Ruth and Wagner signed ball, an 1854 Beyer panoramic oil, and a Pete Seeger autographed sign. One's $250,000! Plus: a visit to the Beckley Exhibition Mine to bust popular di...

Episode 8 | Charleston Part 2

A locally-made Francis Sommer clock, an Oscar Wilde manuscript poem, and a René Portocarrero oil. One's appraised for $80,000-$100,000!

Episode 9 | Charleston Part 3

An 1890 Frederic Remington watercolor, a 1970 Jimi Hendrix collection, and a 1879 Whistler "The Palaces" etching. Guess the top find!

Episode 10 | Tucson Part 1

A 1943 Allen Ginsberg-signed yearbook, an Anna Pottery temperance snake jug, and an Alfons Walde oil painting. Which is $200,000-$300,000?

Episode 11 | Tucson Part 2

A Jackie Robinson archive, 1960 GMT Master model Rolex with the original box and papers, and diamond and onyx jewelry. One is the top find!

Episode 12 | Tucson Part 3

A Pete Seeger original song, an 1889 George Hitchcock diptych, and an 1861 Lincoln presidential pardon. Which item is big find of the hour?

Episode 13 | Omaha Part 1

A Grant Wood "Fertility" lithograph, a Daytona model Rolex with its box and papers, and Prohibition liquor bottles. Which is $100,000?

Episode 14 | Omaha Part 2

Whitey Ford and Yogi Berra jerseys, a gilt bronze-mounted gaslight, and a 1887 Seth Whipple oil painting. Which find is appraised at $130,000?

Episode 15 | Omaha Part 3

Travel to Omaha to see fantastic pieces of history like a Humphreys' homeopathic medicine cabinet, a 1939 Gregoire Boonzaier "View of Cape Town" oil painting, and a ceremonial war club from around 1850. Which treasure has the high...

Episode 16 | Cleveland Part 1

Discover hidden treasures in Cleveland such as 1920 World Series stubs, a Charles Rohlfs music stand from around 1905, and an Ohio folk art double portrait, ca. 1838. One is the top find of the night!

Episode 17 | Cleveland Part 2

An Ohio salt-glazed figural stoneware match stand, a Civil War grave marker group, and a 1964 Manoucher Yektai oil. One's valued at $65,000!

Episode 25 | Vintage Boston

Learn how the antiques market has evolved in the last 15 years, including a $124,000 value increase.

Episode 26 | Mansion Masterpieces

History meets fantasy with treasures fit for a period costume drama, plus a $500,000-$700,000 find.