Episode 1 | Hart Broken

Kevin is hellbent on creating a cinéma vérité style of action movie to prove he's the greatest action star on earth, but when no studio will finance such a film, Kevin finds the one person who will.

Episode 2 | Escape From Hell

Kevin's dream action movie is in full swing, but the danger is a little more intense than he expected. His longtime co-star, Jordan King, is not happy when she gets roped into the film.

Episode 3 | The Legend of Stromberg

Things get explosive as Kevin and Jordan attempt to find out who's pulling the strings. Luckily, Kevin's loyal assistant, Andre, comes to the rescue.

Episode 4 | Like Mother Like Son

Andre and his mother open their home to Kevin and Jordan. When Kevin confronts the mistakes he's made in the past and the people he's wronged, it leads to discover the biggest clue yet.

Episode 5 | The Famous Mondolvias

While Andre's mom thoroughly nurses Kevin back to health, Andre and Jordan go undercover to infiltrate Kevin's agency while trying to find out who's really behind their death-by-acting predicament.

Episode 6 | Episode Mr. 206

Kevin and Andre go deep into the woods and deep into their hearts as they seek out Mr. 206, the greatest stuntman of all time, hoping to find answers about Kevin's assassin, one of Mr. 206's former mentees.

Episode 7 | Licensed and Bonded

Kevin, Jordan, Andre and his mother pull out all the action movie stops on their mission to confront the enemy, and after a few bumps in the road and a near-miss with a chain saw, they're all in position, except Andre.

Episode 8 | Face Off

It's kill or be killed as Kevin and his village square off against the enemy, hoping to put an end to their deadly charade.