Episode 1 | God's Haemorrhoid

Hoping to impress the Taskmaster and be crowned the next champion are: Daisy May Cooper, Johnny Vegas, Katherine Parkinson, Mawaan Rizwan and Richard Herring.

Episode 2 | A Documentary About Despots

Johnny Vegas yells stuff from a tall chair, Katherine Parkinson forgets how balloons work and Richard Herring flails about in a dinghy.

Episode 3 | Point of Swivel

Mawaan Rizwan attempts a farm-related illusion in the hope of impressing domineering Taskmaster Greg Davies. Plus: pasta disasters and catapult calamities.

Episode 4 | Toshwash

Daisy May Cooper flirts with a security guard, Richard Herring is surprised by chickens and Alex Horne wears sparkly high heels while operating heavy machinery.

Episode 5 | I Hate Your Trainers

The competing comics demonstrate their love of watermelon and Johnny tries to win points by grabbing a passing cyclist and introducing him to some Christmas-related equipment.

Episode 6 | Hippopotamus

Daisy May Cooper gets rather cross, Mawaan Rizwan learns a lesson about waterfowl and Richard Herring wrings out a wet sock

Episode 7 | Legit Glass

Mawaan Rizwan masters remote control cars. Katherine Parkinson is baffled by a giant marble. Can Daisy May Cooper decipher Richard Herring's mysterious messages?

Episode 8 | Moments of Silence

Alex Horne gets an acting role, while Richard Herring delivers a star turn from behind a bush. Mawaan Rizwan nicks a cup of tea. Johnny Vegas takes a tumble.

Episode 9 | Air Horn Andy

Richard Herring bleeds on beer mats, Mawaan Rizwan volleys oranges and Katherine Parkinson counts plastic balls.

Episode 10 | Dog Meat Trifle

In a tense grand final, Katherine Parkinson searches for a spider and Daisy May Cooper destroys a mannequin. But who will become the 10th Taskmaster champion?