Episode 1 | Peeping Pawn

Customers offer some questionable items; a hand grenade and a peep show machine. Other items include a tin toy motorcycle, JFK memorabilia and a Paul Revere coin. The items that turn out to be real pay off well.

Episode 2 | Ace in the Hole

The pawn shop attracts eighteenth century items including a gambling kit complete with weapons, silver certificates and military photographs but Rick is upset about the one that got away.

Episode 3 | Double Trouble

A customer turns up with a double barreled, double caliber rifle and a double barreled pistol. Other items are battered but may be valuable including a pair of Steve Kaufman paintings, a Martin guitar and a bottle of Dom Perignon ...

Episode 4 | Getting a Head

In a rare turn of events Rick offers more for an item than the customer asks. Corey refurbishes a Buick Skylark that may need more work than he expected.

Episode 5 | Cornering the Colonel

Colonel Sanders last suit and America's next to last flag are items the Pawn Shop customers are looking to sell. A Grover Cleveland document and a set of watchmaker tools need an expert look.

Episode 6 | Ready, Set Pawn

A customer with a set of land mines raises some concern while a dragster creates excitement. A home made high wheel bicycle looks more dangerous than both. Mr. (Chum) Lee gets business cards.

Episode 7 | The Eagle Has Landed

Customers look to sell a room full of Transformer toys, an "Alice in Wonderland" book illustrated by Salvadore Dali, a collection of Kennedy letters and some Micky Mouse telephones that make for a good practical joke.

Episode 8 | Like a Rolling Chum

Chumlee is sent on a quest to get Bob Dylan's autograph. Meanwhile, negotiations are tough on some unusual and one of a kind items.

Episode 9 | Hello Nurse

Rick ts the creeps from some Nazi artifacts, is appalled by a beater of a gold cart and surprised to see a GI Joe nurse. Big Hoss is rescheduled to keep an eye on the night shift.

Episode 10 | Chumdog Millionaire

Chumlee appears on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" but nearly blows the opportunity. Customer bring in a Delorean, a Franklin Roosevelt letter and a 1956 Gibson guitar and are surprised to learn their true value.

Episode 11 | Gone with the Schwinn

Rick checks out cowboy bling in the form of two parade saddles. Customers are looking to sell a variety of vintage toys; a cannon, a teddy bear and a couple Schwinn bikes. Of course the cannon begs to be test fired. Then there's t...

Episode 12 | Bare Bones

Big Hoss plans to restore a motorcycle from nothing more than a frame. Rick tries to get his hands on a blackjack table and a collection of 300 million year old fossils.

Episode 13 | Never Surrender

Chumlee is charged with getting a remote controlled car running. Rick has a Winston Churchill letter verified. But he is creeped out, not to mention risking eternal damnation, when he considers buying a holy relic of the first Ame...

Episode 14 | Honest Abe

A customer brings in a goofy looking, three-wheeled, 1960's, electric car but the Old Man loves it. More surprising, when a customer brings in a pair of Air Jordan's Chumlee turns out to be the expert. Then Rick checks out a class...

Episode 15 | Monkey Business

Rick is stunned to be negotiating for a Rembrant. But he's also surprised a customer brought in a bleacher seat from Yankee stadium. A cavalry hat reportedly worn by John Wayne needs verification.

Episode 16 | Packing Heat

Rick considers some pricey classics: a 1962 Cadillac Fleetwood and a set of World Series rings. But a pair of cigarette lighter raises eyebrows and hands.

Episode 17 | Luck of the Draw

Rick is excited by a collection of Old West memorabilia and a pair of European pistols from the 1800's that start with a low asking price. That gives Big Hoss and Chumlee an excuse for a duel. Other items bought in for sale includ...

Episode 18 | Houdini's Handcuffs

Some of the secrets of Harry Houdini are revealed when a customer brings a set of his handcuffs and shackles into the shop. Chumlee tries them on but isn't quite as good an escape artist.

Episode 19 | Pedal to the Medal

Rick restores a vintage pedal car. A customer brings in an unopened can of pearls. But a Jimi Hendrix poem and a Titanic artifact have real potential.

Episode 20 | Case Closed

A mint condition Lotus has everyone drooling. A customer with Lindberg kidnapping documents prompts a review of the case. A old Muskstoon also leads to a history lesson.

Episode 21 | Darth Pawn

Rick has trouble pricing some World War Two paraphernalia even the Old Man can't identify, a Nintendo-virtual-boy, and life size Star Wars figurines. But he has no trouble pricing a violin that may be a Stradivarius.

Episode 22 | Put Up Your Dukes

A book so rare the Pawn Shop has two experts look at it, a room full of memorabilia for John Wyane fans, and a 100 year old army uniform all have stories to tell.

Episode 23 | Pawn Illustrated

Chumlee negotiates for a can of crackers. Rick buys a half size kid's musket which jumbo size Chumlee test fires. Some World War Two gear raises questions.

Episode 24 | Striking a Chord

Sellers bring in a Gibson Mandolin, an original of the First Acts of Congress, a Breitling wristwatch, a robot and an Airstream trailer. One is worthless but a couple have the potential for real money.

Episode 25 | Harrison for President

Whatever a political textile is a customer has a sample and it has an unexpected heritage. A claw arcade game leads to a practical joke on the store's number one arcade game player, Chumlee.

Episode 26 | Wise Guys

Sellers get some rude surprises when they learn their items are worth what they expected. But a rare gold coin and a World War Two armored scout car look promising.

Episode 27 | Robosaurus

The Pawn Stars run for their lives when they come face-to-face with the fire-breathing, 31-ton mammoth Robosaurus. Will the guys stare down this car-crushing behemoth to make a deal or did they bite off more than they can chew? Th...

Episode 28 | Ah, Shoot!

An Ansel Adams print has an unexpected past. A Jaguar gets some special treatment. A customer has some big money and wants to sell.

Episode 29 | Going Postal

Make money with the Pawn Stars as they are presented with a one of a kind U.S. postage printing plate from 1862. Will the guys trek through rain or heat or gloom of night to make a deal or will they return this one to sender? Then...

Episode 30 | Chummobile

The Pawn Stars are given the chance to buy a recreation of the Batmobile used in the 1989 movie "Batman" and the 1992 sequel "Batman Returns"; a 19th century "Ship's Passport" that was signed by both Thomas Jefferson and James Mad...