Episode 1 | So, You're a Recent Cheater?

Optimistic singles from Houston settle into the pods, where some quickly bond over shared interests--while others rub their dates the wrong way.

Episode 2 | Can I Talk to You for Real?

One participant feels the pain of an unrequited crush; another makes a heartfelt apology. Intensity builds between two people weighing other options.

Episode 3 | Blindsided

A real-life reveal follows the first proposal in the pods. Torn between a sizzling connection and a safer choice, one woman questions her instincts.

Episode 4 | She's Gone...?

The fallout from an explosive revelation about a past relationship rocks two romances and a friendship, while another pair leaves the pods as fiancés.

Episode 5 | Don't Give Up on Me

Caught off-guard by a shocking decision, a participant seeks closure. Newly engaged couples head to Mexico, where one duo hits a communication breakdown.

Episode 6 | Going Home

What was meant to be a dreamy vacation might be a deal-breaking disaster for one couple. In Houston, meetings with family and friends raise questions.

Episode 7 | First Class Love

Regretting her actions, a participant asks for a second chance. One man's dishware sparks an argument. Accusations fly between exes at a reunion BBQ.

Episode 8 | Love Is a Battlefield

After dramatic meltdowns at the Pod Squad gathering, the couples process the aftermath. Meetings with parents lead to tears and tough conversations.

Episode 9 | Love on the Rocks

Dress fittings stir up heartfelt emotions. As the couples head out on final dates before their wedding days, doubts and differences still loom.

Episode 10 | Big, Big Love

Wedding bells ring, and the remaining couples face a life-changing decision. Will they set aside their uncertainties or leave their partners in the lurch?

Episode 11 | The Reunion

Eighteen months after the wedding ceremonies, the participants dig into the drama that emerged from pods.