Episode 1 | Don't Escar-go/Double Trouble

When Clyde receives an opportunity to study cooking in France, the gang tries to keep him closer to home; Lola and Lana take on Cheryl and Meryl for the position of twin spokespeople for Auntie Pam's Parlor.

Episode 2 | Flip This Flip/Haunted House Call

The Loud kids help Flip clean up his image to impress his middle school crush; when the Mortician's Club can't afford tickets to Casket Con, they decide to start a business to raise money.

Episode 3 | The Taunting Hour/Musical Chairs

Lincoln convinces his teacher, Mr. Bolhofner, to join the Doo-Dads in order to get a better seat in class; after Lincoln tries to help Lynn get over a heckler at her soccer game, the Louds realize they all have critics.

Episode 4 | A Bug's Strife/All the Rage

Dad tears the house apart trying to find the cricket ruining his peaceful day alone in the house; tired of getting pummeled during dodgeball, Lincoln and the gang use Clyde's untapped rage without him knowing.

Episode 5 | Scoop Snoop/Eye Can't

The Action News team struggles to find out how Katherine Mulligan is scooping their news leads; trying to avoid a trip to the eye doctor, Lisa makes a new pair of glasses that actually makes her eyesight worse.

Episode 6 | Dine and Bash/Sofa, So Good

After failing to make chef Guy Grazer a meal on his show, the kids try to erase the footage before it airs; the kids search all over Royal Woods to find the missing furniture they left outside while cleaning.

Episode 7 | Present Danger/Stressed for the Part

Dressed as David Steele, Lincoln is on the hunt for his stolen birthday present before it's destroyed; after landing a role in a Dairyland production, Luan must hide this news from Mrs. Bernardo, whom she beat out.

Episode 8 | Time Trap!

When the kids break Mom and Dad's priceless vase, they decide the only thing to do is go back in time to their wedding day, and prevent them from ever receiving it.

Episode 9 | Bummer Camp/Sleepstakes

When Gramps struggles to run Camp Mastadon, the kids come to his rescue; the Loud kids help Lana get over her fear of sleepovers.

Episode 10 | The Last Laugh/Driver's Dread

Luan thinks Mr. Coconuts is out for revenge when she replaces him with Lola in her act; hoping to drive out to the outlets to meet Lori, Leni looks for alternative ways to get her driver's license.

Episode 11 | Cat-astrophe/Prize Fighter

The McBrides scramble to put together a birthday party for Nana Gayle after they forget to throw one this year; Lola worries she's already a washed-up pageant star when she wins a lifetime achievement award.

Episode 12 | Save Royal Woods!

When Royal Woods is in danger of being flooded to make room for a sixth Great Lake, the town comes together to prove that they're worth saving.

Episode 13 | Crashed Course/Puns and Buns

The Loud siblings intervene when they think Lori is failing out of Fairway University. Benny struggles to rein in Luan and her practical jokes when she becomes his coworker at the Burpin' Burger.

Episode 14 | Lights, Camera, Nuclear Reaction/Food Courting

Lincoln and Clyde's David Steele movie turns high-stakes when Lisa builds a nuclear reactor. When Leni realizes Miguel has a crush on Gavin, the new food court employee, she sets out to help Miguel woo him.

Episode 15 | Save the Last Pants/A Stella Performance

Rusty tries to bring the fun of Gus's to Duds For Dudes when he's in charge of the store. Stella wins a school competition and is super excited - until she learns she has to give a public presentation.

Episode 16 | Hiccups and Downs/The Loathe Boat

Luna needs to get rid of a nasty case of the hiccups before a big rock competition. The Morticians Club plan Bertrand's escape from the cruise ship his parents work on.

Episode 17 | Cheer Pressure/Stroke of Luck

The cheerleaders challenge Lynn and her teammates to a "cheer off" when Lynn dismisses them as athletes; Lori becomes a celebrity at school when she hits a hole-in-one on a notoriously difficult course.

Episode 18 | Space Jammed/Crown and Dirty

Annoyed by Leni's intrusive babysitting, Lisa accidentally blasts herself and Todd into space. Lola tries to whip Mom into tip-top pageant condition for a Mother-Daughter pageant.

Episode 19 | The Orchid Grief/Forks and Knives Out

When Lincoln and Clyde over water Howard's rare orchid, the two embark on an adventure to replace it. Lynn Sr. is stoked to compete on a televised cooking show until he learns he's up against Rosa Casagrande.

Episode 20 | The Loud Cloud/You Auto Know Better

Tired of Mom's sticky note system, Lincoln and Lisa create an app to keep track of the family's schedule; Lana creates an auto-body shop to try and buy a new bike, but her shop turns corrupt when Flip becomes her mentor.

Episode 21 | Great Lakes Freakout!

The Louds team up with the Casagrandes for a Halloween storefront decorating competition, but things get out of hand when they use Lucy's spell book to make the mercado extra spooky.

Episode 22 | Snow Escape/Snow News Day

To make it to school, the Louds must survive a monstrous Lynn when the weather man declares it a Packing Day; when there are signs of a yeti in Royal Woods, the Action News Team sets out to prove its existence.

Episode 23 | Pop Pop the Question/Lynn and Order

When the kids discover Myrtle has a shady past, they try to expose her before Pop Pop proposes; Lynn and Liam butt heads when they're forced to partner up as the middle school hall monitors.

Episode 24 | Day of the Dad/Small Blunder

Lori struggles to make a good impression on Bobby's dad after accidentally pushing him into a puddle. / Desperate to have the best show-and-tell in class, Lily takes Lisa's shrink ray to school.

Episode 25 | Fashion No Show/Doom Service

Leni and Carlota's working styles clash when they are both interning for a famous fashion designer, Mariella Moss. The Louds book a stay at an all-inclusive resort, only to find the vacation is not what they imagined.

Episode 26 | The Hurt Lockers/Love Stinks

When a sinkhole opens up at school, Lincoln and his classmates are forced to share lockers. When Lana brings home a skunk to rehabilitate, Lola grows attached when she finds the skunk has finer tastes.

Episode 27 | The Hurt Lockers/Love Stinks

When a sinkhole opens up at school, Lincoln and his classmates are forced to share lockers. When Lana brings home a skunk to rehabilitate, Lola grows attached when she finds the skunk has finer tastes.

Episode 28 | Lucy Loud's Halloween Spook-tacular

Lucy Loud breaks down her top 10 spookiest moments of Halloween for the family.