Episode 1 | Possibilities Patrol

Dorothy and the Candlemaker finally face-off, while the Doom Patrol - now freed from their wax encasings - face troubling side effects. Rita holds the key, but is she ready to answer the call?

Episode 2 | Vacay Patrol

The team goes on vacation to get away from their problems following the aftermath of Niles' departure, but have a hard time reconciling with each other. Oh, and an alien is there to kill one of them too.

Episode 3 | Dead Patrol

After being kidnapped into the afterlife, the team rely on Dorothy, Larry and The Dead Boy Detectives to save them from certain death.

Episode 4 | Undead Patrol

The newly "undead" members of the Doom Patrol are inspired to work on themselves. Later, the team is rocked by the arrival of a mysterious woman on a time machine - and a former foe.

Episode 5 | Dada Patrol

Madame Rouge enlists the Doom Patrol's help after learning about her unsettling past. While the rest of the team works to infiltrate the target, Rita stays behind and finds a surprising connection with their mysterious friend.

Episode 6 | 1917 Patrol

Plunged back in time, Rita attempts to navigate the Bureau of Normalcy with help from an oddly familiar group. Meanwhile, Jane gives Kay her first taste of freedom, while Larry finds closure with his son.

Episode 7 | Bird Patrol

Vic consults an old friend for help with a major life change, Cliff takes his online habits too far, and Jane battles the others for Kay. Sensing imminent danger, Madame Rouge attempts to rally the highly distracted group.

Episode 8 | Subconscious Patrol

While the fog obscures more than just the air, Vic, Cliff, Jane, and Larry must relive their most shameful moments until a breakthrough occurs, and Rita begins to better understand Madame Rouge.

Episode 9 | Evil Patrol

With Madame Rouge vying for her old spot in the Brotherhood of Evil, the Doom Patrol brace themselves for their impending visit.

Episode 10 | Amends Patrol

As the Brotherhood of Evil closes in, the Doom Patrol try to set aside past issues in hopes of becoming a true superhero team - or risk being taken out for good.