Hello Tomorrow!

Episode 1 | Your Brighter Tomorrow, Today

Take it from Jack Billings: The life you've always wanted is just one great deal away.

Episode 2 | Great Salesmen Make Their Own Turf

Believe it or not, 99% of sales are decided on first impressions. So look sharp, know your stuff, and don't let the pressure get to you.

Episode 3 | A Traveling Salesman Travels

Funny how doing what's best for those we love sometimes means saying goodbye to them.

Episode 4 | Forms, Appropriately Filled and Filed

To really be there for a member of your team, you have to be ready to put it all on the line--anytime, no questions asked.

Episode 5 | From the Desk of Stanley Jenkins

Joey gets arrested by the government. Hank arrives at the launchpad, but there's no launch. Suspicions are everywhere, and no one knows where Jack is.

Episode 6 | The Numbers Behind the Numbers

In a flashback, Jack is fired from his job after 30 years of service. Now Jack decides to do something huge and grand. The launchpad isn't what what they're told. Jack is determined to payback all investors.

Episode 7 | Another Day, Another Apocalypse

Customers get cold feet and need reassuring. A group of customers demand answers. Joey gets up and give up.

Episode 8 | The Gargon Mothership

Jack is afraid Shirley is going to leave. A rocket lands at night. Jack closes the big deal and sets the wheels in motion. He wants the launch to be real, not just hype.

Episode 9 | Certain Forces Once Unleashed

A launch date is finally set except for one problem, there's nothing on the moon. Everyone is getting nervous and there's no end in sight.

Episode 10 | What Could Be Better?

The government comes to arrest Jack but it doesn't happen. There is a launch, but not just today. The elevator is stuck so they won't blast off. Joey's mom wakes from coma and is back home. The launch is for real!!!