Mr. Mayor

Episode 1 | Pilot

Retired businessman Neil Bremer runs for mayor of his city Los Angeles to impress his daughter. He wins not having a clue what the job entails. His staff think they will run his office but Mayor Bremer shows he has a mind of his own.

Episode 2 | Mayor's Day Out

Tommy has scheduled a day-full of photo ops and glad handing for Neil, on which Tommy and Jayden will accompany him. Neil isn't looking forward to the day, feeling like he should be dealing with more pressing civic issues. Tommy a...

Episode 3 | Brentwood Trash

Jayden interviews candidates for an opening on the team. Neil gets sidetracked during a town hall, and Orly has a shocking realization.

Episode 4 | The Sac

Arpi and Jayden get to know each other on a road trip to Sacramento; Neil feels like he is losing his daughter and seeks to reconnect.

Episode 5 | Dodger Day

Neil is asked to throw the opening pitch at a Dodgers game, something he really wants to do for personal reasons, but something his key staff members plus Arpi advise him against doing in seeing no up side but a lot of potential d...

Episode 6 | Respect in the Workplace

A mandatory staff meeting derails plans for the team's favorite day of the month.

Episode 7 | Avocado Crisis

An avocado shortage cripples L.A.; Mikaela discovers that the only thing that can put her to sleep is Arpi's presentations.

Episode 8 | Hearts Before Parts

Neil tries to convince his daughter that a casual relationship is more than it actually is; the staff is divided over a trivia competition.

Episode 9 | #PalmTreeReform

Neil's plan to save the city money on palm tree maintenance meets unexpected resistance.