Episode 1 | You Can't Fix Ugly

A lonely dump-truck driver with a big ol' heart goes from "ugly" to unbelievable and learns how to reverse years of bad habits.

Episode 2 | Saving Sasquatch

He's drowning in dog hair and prefers to keep his friends at a distance. But this self-depreciating app builder is finally ready to let folks in.

Episode 3 | Dega Don't

A NASCAR enthusiast and former Marine known for his wild parties and crazy costumes makes an effort to dress up and connect with his family.

Episode 4 | To Gay or Not Too Gay

An emotional makeover helps the self-proclaimed "Straightest Gay Guy in Atlanta" come out to his stepmother and make peace with his past.

Episode 5 | Camp Rules

The Fab Five pull off a miracle with a devoutly Christian father of six by redesigning his tiny home and giving his bride the reception she never had.

Episode 6 | The Renaissance of Remington

After inheriting his grandmother's home - and her dated decor - a young entrepreneur digs his way out of a time warp to find his own style.

Episode 7 | Below Average Joe

A subdued stand-up comic who lacks self-confidence after a major weight loss is swimming in big, baggy clothes. And he still lives with his parents.

Episode 8 | Hose Before Bros

A selfless firefighter jumps at the chance to revamp his image and give his fire station a sleek, new look just in time for a community fundraiser.